Good news, everyone! I’ve joined the Global Voices.

I’ll be one of the contributors from Turkey. I’m planning to focus on my main interests such as censorship, surveillance, freedom of speech and digital activism in Turkey. Not sure how frequently I’ll write but I’ll do my best to cover every story happens in here that’s part of my interests.

My first story is published today. I’ve looked to situation of Turkey’s media on upcoming elections and of course how they are censoring candidates who isn’t Erdoğan. I want to say “hope you’ll like it” but things I wrote is not really likable.

Also if you saw the thumbnail photo but couldn’t find the original version on Global Voices article, I’ve embedded below and also uploaded it on Flickr. I took the photo yesterday and it’s licensed under CC and feel free to use if you liked it.

He's Everywhere

Turkey’s “Penguin” Media not Giving Opposition Candidates a Peak | Global Voices Online


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