Category: Blogchains
How I’m Using Obsidian – The Setup
Intro If you know me online or offline, you’ll also know that I have an obsession with productivity and knowledge management stuff. This includes note taking apps, task management apps, different methods and everything related to that. This is partly because of my ADHD and needing a support system for myself but also because how…
Adventures in Building a Library Catalog
Introduction Some time ago, I wrote about the problems with Goodreads and how StoryGraph can be a good alternative for many. This is something I’m really interested because most of what I do is about books and because of my ADHD brain, not being able to track the books I have causes quite unique problems…
DEHB Üzerine Sıkça Sorulmayan Sorular
Daha önce de yazdığım gibi, DEHB ile yaşamak veya bu konuda faydalanacak kaynak, konuşacak insan bulmak hiç de kolay bir iş değil. Zaten zor olan birçok şey, bu yalnız kalma hâli ve gizlenme zorunluluğu ile daha da çekilmez bir noktaya gelebiliyor. Bu yüzden Twitter’da ilk yazdıklarımdan bu yana aldığım olumlu tepkiler ve bu konudaki ihtiyacın…
Passwords: 1
If you ever need an example to explain why we need to be careful about the concepts and words we’re using, postmodernism is the one you’re looking for. Not sure if it’s just because of my academic background or the type of people consciously misusing the term but every time I see someone using postmodernism…
Passwords: 0
One of the things I enjoy doing most is think about the terms we’re using. Not sure if that’s because how my brain makes sense of the world around me or something that comes with my philosopher side but thinking and writing about the words, ideas and systems feels like a game to me. That’s…