The Week of Internet and Its Politics (or Where I’m This Week)


After a kinda lazy summer, September begins so fast and busy. The week begins tomorrow (September 1st) comes with lots of events, meetings and surprises. It’s mostly because of Internet Governance Forum 2014 will be held in Istanbul this week.

So, what am I going to do this week? Other than my personal jobs and non-public events, here’s my programme:

  • At September 1st, APC, Tactical Tech and World Wide Web Foundation going to make an event called Disco-tech. This event will focus on censorship and circumvention tactics and I’m going to give a speech at there. You can find details about this event here.
  • At September 2nd, 3rd and morning of 4th, I will be at IGF. I’ll mostly wander around, visit booths and look for people to meet and talk. But also I’ll join couple of panels at there.
  • First one is The Freedom Online Coalition Open Forum – Protecting Human Rights Online at September 3rd, 16:30. I’ll focus on situation in Turkey and talk about it. It’s an open forum, so feel free to visit.
  • Second one is Crowdsourcing a Magna Carta for ‘The Web We Want’ at September 4th, 11:00, which is organized by Web We Want. I hope this will be a very productive panel.
  • After finishing the panel at September 4th, I’ll leave IGF and go to our event, Internet Ungovernance Forum. This event is the main reason why I am so excited about this week. There will be lots of amazing panel, workshop; a lot of beautiful, smart and great people will visit and there are some surprises. Hoping that I (and we) will meet and connect with lots of people. So if you’re interested about what you saw on the website or I’m doing, you should come to IUF.

So, this is the calendar. If you’ll be one (or all) of these, feel free to say hello. I really want to meet and chat everyone I can. Also you can follow me on Twitter to see where I’m on specific time.

Even though I am not very optimist about the IGF itself, other events and people coming here makes me think that we will finish this week feeling happy and hopeful.


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  1. […] The Week of Internet and Its Politics (or Where I’m This Week) […]

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