internet in turkey from now on

Yesterday night, the censorship and surveillance bill has passed from Turkish parliament. At the same time, I wrote a letter to internet to say goodbye. Because after this bill, there won’t be a world wide web for Turkey anymore.

Dear Internet,

We, as people from Turkey, had a great time with you. You teach us so many things that we couldn’t learn from anywhere else. We had lots of great memories with you. You were always there whenever we needed you. But we have to say goodbye.

Turkish parliament passed the bill which is going to kill you. Maybe it’ll not kill you directly but you’ll be crippled and we can’t do everything we want together. There’s a little chance for you -presidential veto- but like I said, it’s a little chance.

Saying Goodbye to Internet in Turkey — Medium


UPDATE (08/02/2014): I want to thank everyone who shared my article and spread the word out. I wasn’t expecting that kind of response. Also I want to thank everyone who featured my article on their places. Here’s the links (AFAIK):

Boing Boing

Today’s Zaman

Al-Jazeera English


Biamag (They translated the article in Turkish)

Deustchlandfunk (DE)


2 responses to “Farewell to Internet”

  1. […] problemi, bunu net bir şekilde kabul etmemiz lazım. ABD başta olmak üzere tüm devletler (ki son yasayla Türkiye’de bunlara dahil olma peşinde), tüm büyük şirketler size ait özel ne varsa toplamak için uğraşıyorlar. Sizin hiçbir […]

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