It looks like people are finally waking up to the fact that RSS was never dead. I don’t know why people claimed that just because a tech overlord decided something is not profitable for them. People are still using it and it’s as good and alive as it’s always been.

At the end of 2019, Jay Springett told people they should start a blog. This year Matt Webb created a really good website to introduce people to RSS and Tom Critchlow put out a really good idea about how to use RSS in creative ways, which I talked about it earlier. Plus, Substack started a beta for their RSS reader —which is mainly for their newsletters, I know it’s confusing— and Sara M. Watson declared the return of RSS readers.

I think calling it “people are returning to RSS” is more accurate but that probably won’t make people click on a link. But that’s what actually is happening and I think that’s heavily related to something I talked about earlier.

After all this chatter and seeing how Matt decided to put out his OPML file online, I thought maybe I should do something like that too. Especially because there are more and more people wants to start using RSS readers again but don’t know where to start. If you enjoy the kind of stuff I talk about, my list can help you to start filling your reader.

There are some notes about the list at the page but I also recommend checking Jay’s blog post about how he uses his reader.

And finally, if you want to share feed recommendations you think I —or people visiting here— might enjoy following, comments are open.


2 responses to “RSS is not dead?”

  1. […] good Ahmet A. Sabancı was kind enough to mention this blog his recent ‘RSS is not dead?‘. The post is an extension (I guess) of his blogchain series ‘Rethinking How I Use The […]

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