#ResistComics – A Kickstarter Comics Anthology

There’s an awesome Kickstarter project just started and you should definitely check and support it if you can.

Project is called #ResistComics (#DirenÇizgiroman). This Kickstarter project is for an comics anthology by Can Yalçınkaya. Can is from Sydney, Australia and he’s an academician, comic book writer and an amazing guy.

This project, Resist Comics, is a comics anthology which all stories inside it connected with Gezi Protests in Turkey. I don’t know how many comics in total but the previews shows that there are lots of different kinds of story inside it. Classic stories, sci-fi, superhero; and all of these about Gezi and how their creators feels about it.

Also one of the other amazing things about this project is, Can and almost everyone in this project has punk/DIY soul inside them and this is the reason they want to self-publish it and use Kickstarter for this. They want this anthology to be independent and free from any kind of pressure.

This is one of the previews that made me excited about it:

So, that’s all I can say for now. Project’s Kickstarter page is here; you can get more  information from there and I hope you’ll support this project. There are lots of gifts you can get other than anthology too :)


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